

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Over the last ten years – for one reason and another – just under 2 million Brits have fled the UK, together with 1.6 million foreigners previously resident there. This total of 3.6 million was marginally exceeded by the 3.9 million new foreigners. I wonder how many of these were Romanian gypsies. And what Sra. de la Vega thinks about their treatment. We'll probably get to know quite soon.

Listening to the BBC this morning, I was a tad surprised to hear a woman boast “I’ve got Tom’s in at the moment”. But a moment’s reflection suggested that, as it was a gardening item, she was probably saying “I’ve got toms in at the moment”. An innocent enough mistake, I think. And an excellent demonstration of the power of the greengrocers’ apostrophe.

An economic downturn hits you both via the headlines and via numerous little things that add up to a lot – higher prices for your meals and drinks; smaller bowls for your crisps in the bar; and, worst of all, cheaper free tapas helpings. I mean, mushrooms in garlic may be someone’s idea of a decent dish but I pine for the two little ribs. Or three, in the case of this extravagant tipper. Which, to be honest, merely means more than one or two per cent in those parts of Spain not yet ruined either by tourists or misguided expats.

A couple of PSs to yesterday’s post:-

1. The water figures were, of course, per capita, and

2. Ryan has asked me to point out that, like his namesake in the Man United team, he too is a true, understated hero surrounded by prima donnas. Can he mean me?

Galicia Facts

The weekend which gave us Galician Literature Day also featured a procession in Santiago of folk who want to see more use of Gallego here. The theme on their banners and T-shirts was Gallego is a basic right. This left me rather confused as said right is already enshrined in law. So I guess what they really meant is that Gallego should be a basic obligation. Notoriously indirect, these Galicians.

The Nationalist VP of the Xunta took the stage to defend [quite legitimately] the Xunta’s strengthening of Gallego but wandered onto more contentious territory when he insisted that anyone who suggested the language was being imposed on anyone was that classic feature of Spanish politics – “a liar”. Querying this with a Gallego-teacher friend who doesn’t share this view, his response was “What else would he say?”. Very direct, these Galicians.

Finally, having developed a pathetic interest in the location of my readers, I’d like to greet whoever it is that regularly tunes in from Aylesbury and from the City of London. And, of course to regular contributor Moscow in, err . . Moscow. More anon. Meanwhile, anyone who wants to reveal him/herself can write to me at colindavies@terra.es Which is also an address for those who don’t want to open a Google account but who'd like to make comments. I try to respond to all but the most abusive ones. Even though these amuse me most.

Finally, finally – Moscow, here’s another of those Anglo articles of which you despair.

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