

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The campaign for the June European elections apparently began at the weekend. It will be fascinating to see what percentage of the EU’s (hitherto) most pro-Europe nation actually bothers to vote.

Meanwhile, it has at least provided another opportunity for the President and the Leader of the Opposition to each label the other a liar. And it has spurred El Mundo to counter El País’s long ‘corruption’ campaign against the Opposition with one of rampant nepotism on the part of the ex President of Andalucia, now a government minister. So, all in all, not very edifying.

A few years back, I wrote about the new stamp machine in the foyer of the revamped Post Office, highlighting the fact it took you through eight steps before - usually - telling you it wouldn’t give any change. Today – having seen the long queues at the desks - I decided to forego the 3 centimos due back on my 65 and duly requested a stamp at the end of this process. But I underestimated the machine. Up came a notice saying EXACT MONEY! and my coins were spewed out at the bottom. But at least I’d got the weight of the letter and was able to buy the right stamp at a tobacco kiosk down the road, before walking back to post the letter. When I write that time often gets mysteriously eaten up in Spain, this is the sort of thing I have in mind. Thank God I have a lot of it.

Just about the only positive of last week was the number of Followers to my blog rising from 18 to 21. Which more than offset the drop in those using Google Reader from 66 to 65. So imagine my disappointment when I realised that one of the three new Followers was actually me. Which struck even me as rather presumptuous. So I spent some time today finding out how to delete myself, as it were. But I won’t be bothering to ascertain how I managed to add myself.

Finally . . . Down at the roundabout, a couple of new crews arrived today to work on the bus-stop-in-process. But these were hardier types and were eschewing safety harnesses while doing various things to the roof. Even though, in one case, this meant perching precariously atop a lofty step-ladder. And fooling around with electrics. Barring accidents, I should be able to post a photo of the finished construction by, say, end August. This year, I mean.

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