

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Usual stuff. Plus a sassy granddaughter.

Spanish Justice: Right, here's El País in English on the Brits who sued their banks successfully. And miraculously. A new era has dawned. To prove it, here's another Brit court victory. It'll be a flood soon. Though possibly still too little, too late to calm prospective purchasers of Spain's countless empty properties. And notice the golf club's payment-avoidance strategy.

Spanish Corruption: So endemic and engrained in the business and political spheres it ain't even worth talking about it?

Words: The writer who brought us scofflaw earlier this week has now produced polder. Which is - A piece of low-lying land reclaimed from a sea or river, protected by dikes. Assuming ´dikes' here means embankments, it strikes me Holland should really be called Polderland. Thanks to reader Perry, by the way, I now know that scofflaw is not an old English word but a neologism invented in the USA in 1923.

More Words: Why has it taken all my life for me to see the word 'can't' written as 'carnt'? Wouldn't happen in the USA, of course, where the A isn't long but short. As in 'ant'. Incidentally, why do southern Brits pick and chose between long and short A sounds? So 'bath' is long but 'canal' isn't. Twice. Which reminds me of the time my elder daughter (whose mother is a Londoner), told my Liverpool-born mother that "My mum says baath", only for her to vehemently reply - "Well, in this house we say bath!" Whereupon Faye took, at 3, to using different vowel sounds in respective houses. Sort of bi-lingual, then.

The Spanish Coastal Law is an utter mess and has been for years. The original law was passed in 1989 but did next-to-nothing to stop massive illegal development. It was amended under the pervious PSOE administration - to tighten things up - and is now being amended again by the current PP government - in some ways to tighten it and in some ways to loosen it. For an insight into the mess, click here. About the only thing that can be known for certain about the law and its application is which properties have been demolished and which haven't. The latter include a massive, repulsive hotel built - illegally - right on the beach. Which may now escape the wrecking ball.

The EU: Not content with financing a TV news channel that no one watches, the EU government (the Commission) has decided to spend a small fortune (of not-their money) on setting up and running an 'independent' press agency. This, says the Commission, will take a more informed and serious approach to EU matters, without in any way being influenced by EU mandarins. Money may be tight elsewhere but not in Brussels, it seems.

Finally . . . Pamplona: If you've ever wondered what the song is that's chanted each morning before the Pamplona bull-runs, here it is:
A San Fermín pedimos,
por ser nuestro patrón,
nos guíe en el encierro,
dándonos su bendición!!


To San Fermín, we ask that
- as our Patron Saint -
you guide us during the bull-run,
giving us your blessing!!

Here's this morning's run and, if you navigate this site, you can find each evening's corrida streamed live at 6.30pm. And you can discover that a bullfight can be every bit as boring as a cricket or a baseball match. Just a bit more sanguinary. Meanwhile, you didn't miss much this evening, according to the El Mundo correspondent. Chicken bulls again. Spoilsports.

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