

Thursday, August 08, 2013

The Mirror strikes back; Spanish atrocities in London; Gib yet again; Construction; and Fracking.

I guess I should've expected it in the light of the nationalistic fervour being drummed up by the discredited Rajoy government - Is there any other type of government in Spain? - but it was still a bit of a surprise to see both Elizabeth I and Francis Drake mentioned in a letter in El País yesterday. Albeit not in the context of Gibraltar.

As for British responses to Rajoy's inane balloon-flying in respect of The Rock, here's a nice one from The Mirror, entitled Naff off, Juan. Gibraltar is better British. HT to Lenox for this.

To add a bit of balance - again with a HT to Lenox - here's the web page of someone who chronicles life in London from a Spanish perspective. And here's his recent post on the atrocities committed there in the name of Spanish food. I'd just add that here in Spain the same sort of things are done to Chinese food (no ginger) and Indian cuisine (no cayenne pepper) to align them with Spanish tastes. Here in Galicia at least.

But back to Gib . . . Spanish ecologists have denounced Sr Rajoy as a hypocrite for criticising the artificial reef that's the casus belli on environmental grounds, pointing out the same thing's been done in 25 places along the Andalucian coast so as to create protective lagoons for sea-life. And the single Spanish fisherman affected - yes, there's only one - has said he wants dialogue and peaceful resolution and that he resents the government making use of his predicament. But this won't happen until after August, at the earliest. As is his wont, Rajoy won't say anything this month, unless he's asked about the quality of his cigar at next weekend's bullfights here in Pontevedra. Meanwhile, there's been a report that Rajoy was recorded telling one his ministers that, as his marriage was on the rocks and his government mired in the doo-doo, he had no option to resort to the 'Malvinas option'. Personally, I have the gravest doubts this is true, even if it's an accurate refection of reality. Which is what makes it so plausible, of course.

Talking about credit/discredit . . . Here's the recent ratings among Spanish politicians:-
President Rajoy - 25%
Leader of the Opposition, Rubalcaba - 31%
Rosa Diez, leader of UPyD party - 41%
Says it all, really.

But to be more positive . . . Interesting to read that the consortium chosen to build a new bridge over the river Mersey is led by the Spanish company, FCC. This, by the way, is described as a "Citizen Services Group", which foxes me. Perhaps it reads/sounds better in Spanish.

Here in Spain the construction industry is said to be 'still in free-fall'. Except just below my house, of course. Where the only house being built in Pontevedra now looks like this.

Which reminds me, I confirmed yesterday that one of the houses behind mine has finally been occupied. All the other 20 look like this. 

Not quite the urban wastelands of Madrid and elsewhere but just as depressing for me, especially as they took 6 years of noise, dust and inconvenience to build. And cost us new contenadores. But that's another story.

Finally . . . A prediction: Within the next year or so, we'll see Un fracking enter the Spanish language, to go with Un lifting, Un parking, Un footing, Un spinning, etc. It will mean the place where fracking is being carried out.

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